Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  46 ksi Per  ·  California Nebula  ·  IC 2005  ·  LBN 752  ·  LBN 756  ·  LDN 1462  ·  LDN 1463  ·  LDN 1464  ·  LDN 1469  ·  Menkib  ·  NGC 1499  ·  Sh2-220  ·  The star ξPer
Rainbow Road (NGC1499 & Menkib in SHO tricolor with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner
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Rainbow Road (NGC1499 & Menkib in SHO tricolor with RGB stars)

Rainbow Road (NGC1499 & Menkib in SHO tricolor with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner
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Rainbow Road (NGC1499 & Menkib in SHO tricolor with RGB stars)



Acquisition details



This project was totally unplanned.
While waiting for the Seagull Nebula to rise above my tree line, I slewed to NGC1499 as it was looking down right from zenith and decided to dedicate my waiting time to it.
Framing was not ideal for NGC1499 as I was setup for the Seagull, but it involuntarily yielded this composition which I found to be quite interesting.
I'm still dialing in my SHO 'style', but I've come to like the rainbow-palette from red over yellow to green and blue.

Menkib was a fine boy in the Hα channel and did not bloat to unmanageable levels.
